AI Automated Dental Charting System
Implementation Time:
7 months
Solution Provider: AI Singapore
EM2AI is a Medical Technology startup based in Singapore and is part of the Q&M Dental Group. They focus on providing a solution that supports the best dental practices by elevating dental experiences for everyone through ethical medical practices and evolutionary machine learning.
Dental charting is a tedious manual process that requires a dentist to go through each tooth one at a time and the nurse needs to take manual notes of what the dentist has said by the side.
The challenge:
- Lack of clinical decision support and no standardized treatment plan which can result in overtreatment, undertreatment and mistreatment.
- Inefficient use of multiple programs which are not integrated with each other.
- Undetected pathologies may result in more extensive treatment and higher costs for patients
- Risk of inconsistency across dentists when diagnosing dental pathologies.
An AI model was developed to detect four OPG(Orthopantomogram/Full-Mouth) X-ray dental conditions namely tooth numbering, caries, bone loss problem and missing teeth. The model would automatically convert identified conditions as well as healthy teeth into a full dental chart to facilitate review by a dentist.
- Deployed o more than 150 clinics in Singapore and Malaysia
- Received positive feedback from dentists – time saved as they can chart patient’s teeth automatically in less than a minute as compared to 5-10 minutes before.
- Lower the chances of any undetected pathology, achieve a more comprehensive treatment plan for the patient and raise the patient’s awareness of dental health.
Implementation Time
7 months
Diagram of Solution
Use Case Brochure