The Hundred-Page Machine Learning Book

This is an excellent book for those that studied AI 10, 20 or 30 years ago, and need a quick weekend refresher course. In 100-pages, the author takes the reader through the basics of machine learning with sufficient maths of the core algorithms and neural networks.

I would not recommend this book if you have not done a university level maths or statistics course. If you just want to learn how to program machine learning in Python, Aurelien Geron’s Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and Tensorflow is a better start.

However, if you are comfortable with scientific notations, then this book is a treasure, and it covers the basics of what a practicing machine learning engineer needs to know!

This book is also a recommended read for my team.


  • Laurence Liew

    Passionate about growing the next generation of Singaporean AI talents, I spend my time figuring out the best ways to groom more Singaporeans for AI, getting our kids interested in STEM and accelerating SMEs’ adoption of AI through AI Singapore 100E programmes.